Sunday, October 23, 2016

Flying to Costa Rica

Even though Richard and my brother took four suitcases to Costa Rica before we traveled as a family. We ended up with 23 items to keep track of in the airport.  This included several suitcases and musical instruments, three carseats, a stroller, computer bags, backpacks, etc.  Add that on top of 5 kids and it is a wonder we made it with everything we needed!

Leading up to our trip, it seemed like Stephen was having the hardest time adjusting to the move.  He kept telling us that he "was going home".  We did not think he would have the hardest time before we left, but apparently he was really attached to the house he knew, his friends, his family in Utah, his baseball team, and school.

On the day we flew, it was apparent that Ezra was also really nervous about flying to a different country.  Then, when we were about to land in San Jose, the other boys were telling him that we were in Costa Rica, and he started emphatically yelling, "We aren't in Costa Rica!"  It was apparent that he was scared to be there.  Poor little guy!

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