Friday, September 30, 2016

Pre Costa Rica Travels: Back to Texas

We headed back to Texas for my Granny's funeral.  We also decided to stay an extra month so I would be well outside of the first trimester when we left.  We hoped in the meantime that we would be able to spend some more time with family and give my grandpa some company after the loss of his wife.

It was not easy being in Texas again.  I felt like we had been grounded.  After more than a month on the road, I was ready to be settled, not to live in more temporary conditions.  Under different circumstances, it would have been more exciting, but instead, it was a difficult experiences for me.

It was hard to find a one month rental in Boerne.  We finally rented a 500 square foot cabin/trailer in for $2,500.  The second day their, Richard was attacked by two dogs on the property and had a chunk bit out of his calf.  We talked to the owners who assured us they would keep the dogs locked up for the remainder of our stay.  They were not locked up however, and came close to attacking me with three kids another time.  I yelled for help and the owners called them off.  A third time, they were loose around our cabin without anyone else around, and we decided we would have to move to protect our kids.

We stayed with my Grandpa for a week, and then my brother.  During this time, we squeezed in a quick trip to Corpus Christi to visit my sister, and Richard and my brother David flew to Costa Rica for 4 days to leave luggage down there and tour some houses we were considering living in.

Finally on September 28, we were ready to try again to fly to Costa Rica.

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