Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Move

It took way more work to move out of our house than I ever anticipated.  If you happen to own a house with more than five bedrooms, NEVER MOVE!  Luckily we were blessed with so much help from friends.  The young women and their leaders in our ward volunteered their time to watch our kids each day for two weeks before we moved.  We had someone at our house at least 6 hours a day taking care of our kids.

We attended a Spanish speaking ward the last Sunday we were in Utah.  About 10 minutes into sacrament program, Stephen plopped down out of his chair, came over, and whispered to me, "Actually, I don't want to move to Costa Rice."  Sorry little boy, by this time it was too late to turn back.

We pulled several all nighters trying to get ready to go and had some interesting experiences along the way.  One was that we could not find my passport.   We prayed several times to find it.  As I finally went through what I thought were the last few boxes of things from our house, I felt surprised that we did not find it.  I told Richard that Heavenly Father always helps me out of my binds and answers my prayers.  Why didn't we find the passport this time?  We proceeded to clean up the last little bit.  Then, we decided to give away a large portion of our food storage to people who could put it to use.  As we unloaded our food storage, I came across a random box.  I quickly flipped through the box and right away found my passport.  It was neat to realized that the answer to my prayers was answered by serving others.

The last night before we left, we spent the night at Richard's parents house.  I think they enjoyed having our kids over one last time.  In fact, we planned on leaving for Texas at evening, but we just had too many last minute things to do, and we were so exhausted.  Mickey and Steve talked us into staying the night, and we were really glad we did.  Our kids had one last special experience with their grandparents before the move.

Leaving our family and friends we a very difficult thing to do.  The Lauders we generous enough to host a going away party for us, we spend time with as many friends as we could find the time for, and we stopped by on the way out of town to see a few more friends who did not make it to the party.

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